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Cyber Security

Find out in a one-day workshop how you can effectively implement current EU cyber security standards and regulations in the context of smart products. We offer you practical solutions and best practices.

Our value proposition

Recommendations for dealing with the challenges of cyber security for smart products


Simple preparation

We inform you about the cyber security standards, obligations and core requirements relevant to you - focused and in the necessary depth of detail.

Communicating the core topics

Practical examples illustrate the challenges from a technical, procedural and organizational perspective. We show you what to look out for and where the complexity lies.

Security - but in a practical way

We show practical examples of what an efficient software development process looks like, from requirements engineering and implementation to testing and release management (DevSecOps), from which you can benefit directly.

Focus product developement

The workshop will be moderated by experts in product development for smart products. From device security to OTA updates.

Cyber-Security insights

The workshop will be moderated by experts from the field of cyber security. From the Cyber Resilience Act to machine guidelines and NIS2.

Recommended action

After the workshop, you will receive a document with recommendations for action and a roadmap for the technical and organizational implementation of the findings.

Your benefits

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Comprehensive insight

A comprehensive insight into cyber security standards - specifically for your smart product
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Best practices

Technical and organizational measures for efficient processes
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Individual consulting

Identification of recommendations for action - tailored to your overall system
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Successful format

Workshop format with guaranteed success - practical and efficient

Our procedure

01 Preliminary discussion

In a preliminary discussion, we agree with you which focus topics are relevant for the workshop and what your expectations are. We define the group of participants and agree the agenda.

02 Overview of relevant cyber security topics

Together we look at cyber security standards and regulations that are relevant to your company and specifically apply to your smart product.

03 Best practices - approach from practice

How do you implement these hardware and software requirements efficiently? What does release management look like? What needs to be considered?

04 Presentation of the customer environment

We gain an insight into your company. How does your business model work? What products do you have? And are you bound by any specifications? In addition, you show us your development process, your existing system + infrastructure and existing security practices.

05 Identify pain points

Which topics and standards in the area of security are currently causing you difficulties? Are there general opportunities for optimization in the development process?

06 Follow-up

We prepare the recommendations for action and, if desired, create a roadmap for implementation and further consultation.

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Further workshops

Your contact person

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Andreas Lehner, MSc

Head of Innovation, Sales

blue-zone GmbH

T +43 7236 78500-25